Sunday, January 31, 2010

Minimalist Houses Are Sold Ready For Occupancy + Trellis

Minimalist Houses Are Sold Ready For Occupancy + Trellis

Property Data
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Carport: 1 car
Land Area: 78 m²
Building Size: 41 m²
Floor: 1 floor
Electrical: 1300 watts
Certificate: SHM - Property Certificate
Facing: West
Facilities: PAM, 4 door Tralis

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Minimalist Home Design Software

Minimalist Home Design
Minimalist Home Design Software. Examples of great home design

Friday, January 29, 2010

Example Of A Simple Home Design

minimalist home designs
Example Of A Simple Home Design. Minimalist Home Designs

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Decoración de Baños

El baño es uno de los espacios más acogedores y agradables de la casa, y también uno de los que más posibilidades ofrece a la hora de vestirlo y decorarlo. Tanto si se trata de baños modernos, como si son tipo vintage, rústicos o minimalistas, actualmente casi todo vale dentro de la decoración de los baños, siempre dentro de la elegancia y el buen gusto.

Las tendencias más actuales siguen la línea del minimalismo y las formas rectilíneas, como se puede apreciar en este ambiente de Ideal Standard. Sanitarios con estética casi cubista, espejos sin marco, mamparas de ducha casi invisibles y tonos neutros son las pistas a seguir. Baños elegantes, para espacios de la era post-industrial.

Los baños accesibles para personas con baja movilidad y los sistemas para ahorrar agua en grifos o sanitarios son cada vez más comunes, y hay una gran variedad.

Las tendencias en lavabos aceptan casi cualquier material y diseño, y si no, a ver qué me decis de este espectacular lavabo-acuario. Todo un placer para la vista y los sentidos…

Sin embargo, los ambientes clásicos también están en la cresta de la ola en lo que a baños se refiere. Los tonos grises y blancos siguen siendo tendencia, pero en este caso los sanitarios evocan la Belle Épocque, así como los preciosos carteles bellamente enmarcados.

El color también tiene su sitio en el cuarto de baño. Si bien las líneas sencillas son lo que más se lleva, el contraste de los colores es también una nota a destacar. Las franjas verdes que decoran estos sencillos muebles, y la elegancia de sus patas de acero, son el complemento perfecto para el suelo de grandes baldosas de gres y la tarima de madera de teca.

Sauna de vapor y ducha para dos

¿Quién no querría disfrutar de un sauna de vapor y ducha, todo en uno sin tener que visitar un hotel? Renovation Store tiene una gran ducha de vapor perfecta para dos, su diseño es simple y funcional, en blanco, cromo y vidrio.

Perfecta para despertarte en la mañana con un masaje estimulante o si lo prefieres para prepararte para ir bien relajado a la cama por la noche. Si no tienes tiempo para terapias de alivio del stress semanal, invertir en esta ducha a vapor es una exelente idea.
Otras amenidades incluyen un masajeador de pies, distintas opciones de lluvia multi-funcional y protección contra fuga de líquidos. Pero si eres de los que aman los gadgets, puedes agregarle a este modelo algunas cosas extra como altavoces, ordenador con mando a distancia, FM, CD externo y teléfono. Además, cuenta con un ventilador integrado que ayudará para el control de la humedad. Este modelo tiene un costo de aproximadamente 3.400 dólares.

Acabados con cera para muebles antiguos

Los acabados a la cera son de los más antiguos que se conocen, y quedan preciosos sobre muebles de maderas nobles, chapados o marquetería. Hacerlos bien no es difícil, pero sí es importante conocer la técnica para sacarles el máximo partido posible.

Lo primero es hacerse con el material: cera para muebles (puedes comprarla hecha o prepararla tú mismo; en un post próximo enseñaré cómo hacerla), lanilla de acero, paño de algodón o brocha plana de buena calidad, un cepillo para zapatos y una media limpia.

En primer lugar, si el mueble estaba ya encerado tendrás que limpiarlo bien. Puedes usar un desencerador comercial (a la venta en buenas droguerías o centros de bricolaje), o emplear una mezcla al 50% de aguarrás puro y aceite de linaza. Agita bien la mezcla y frota el mueble con lanilla de acero nº 000 empapada en ella, retirando al tiempo la cera vieja con un paño.

Una vez limpia la madera hay que aplicar la cera nueva. Puedes hacerlo con un trapo de algodón limpio que no suelte pelo (por ejemplo, una camiseta vieja) o una brocha. Extiéndela bien, sin pasarte con la cantidad.

Deja secar una hora y saca brillo a la cera, frotando la superficie con el cepillo para zapatos envuelto en la media. Después, da otra mano de cera y deja secar de nuevo, esta vez durante veinticuatro horas.

Verás el brillo intenso que adquiere la madera con este tratamiento. Las mejores ceras son las incoloras o amarillas, de tipo anticuario. Y recuerda que, cada vez que quieras volver a encerar el mueble, es recomendable limpiarlo primero para que no se acumulen las capas de cera vieja.

Minimalist Design House 2 Floors | Simple House Design

Minimalist Design House
Minimalist Design House 2 Floors | Simple House Design

Example of minimalist design house 2 floors. This house combined with 2 shop units located at the front of the house. Overall spaces are formed for the 1st floor consists of: Living room, family room, master bedroom, dining room and kitchen / pantry. While the floor is 2 bedroom and 3 fruit 1 family room.

Private House Design Kasuga House: Minimalist Home Designs

Minimalist Home Designs
Private House Design Kasuga House: Minimalist Home Designs
Private House Kasuga House Japan. Modern minimalist, simple house design.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Design House VB3 Blob's Cool | Minimalist Home Designs

Design House VB3 Blob's Cool | Minimalist Home Designs

Minimalist Home Designs Unique

Architecture from Belgium to design this house is given the name 'VB3 blob'. The contents of this egg house like the house mostly, there is a bathroom, lamps, mattresses and some storage. The front door could be opened automatically and this house could be used as an office, living room or home garden.

Design House VB3 Blob's Interior

This house is made of polyester material, how can? how to manufacture as below picture:

Manufacturing process and unique minimalist house:

Sketch-making process and unique minimalist house

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Design of Modern Computer Desk For Work

Design of modern computer desk for work in the office and at home

Sync Desktop is a desk that has a shape like a regular desk we found with a slightly futuristic design, but anyone who thinks that in this table is available a fairly complete computer in it.

computer desk
The design of modern computer desk in the office

By opening the top, you can find one widescreen LCD monitor and a wireless keyboard and mouse. The design is also concerned with air flow for heat released by the CPU so the CPU temperature will remain in their normal state.

The design of modern computer desk at home

With a table like this will provide convenience and if you are in need of work space is bigger, you simply close the screen there.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bathroom Design

if you want to enjoy and relax your body after went to office or the other jobs in the other place or in your town. you must go to bath room first to clean your body. so you must decorate your bath room to get more fantasy in there. there are many kind of bath room decoration.. so, why do you think more about it??

Interior Kitchen Set-Interior Kitchen Set

The Interior Kitchen-Set. Kitchen is one room that should have in our house, because in the kitchen of the house to do cooking activities – cooking for the whole family. Along with the development of community kitchens started to change. Previously, in general,in the kitchen divided into the kitchen clean and dirty kitchen and is located separate to the main house is located in a corner or back home the impression that.

interior decoration pictures

The interior decoration pictures that I put on the pictures above may you use to complete your interior design home. Up to you, where are you will use because all of them are beautiful.

Cool Minimalist House Design

Cool Minimalist House Design. Home design minimalist but grand

Minimalist house design, house plans, new house pictures, for those of you who want to build our homes provide the best alternative and the other from the others. Your house will look more beautiful and beautiful with minimal cost. New discoveries are required to know if you have a plan up or renovating houses.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Design House Art Deco and Modern Minimalist

House Design Modern Art Deco. Modern Contemporary Design

Minimalist Home Designs. To look harmonious and pleasing to the eye, set the interior of the house should be harmonized with the building facade. If looking face wearing art deco, interior arrangement also does not run away from that style. Similarly minimalist model homes, interior was designed with a matching style. Although in practice, not rounded second wearing that style.

minimalist home designs
Modern Minimalist House Design

Saturday, January 23, 2010

modern shower stalls pictures

shower stalls interior sampleshower stalls interior sample

bathroom shower stalls interiorbathroom shower stalls interior

acrylic shower stallacrylic shower stalls

glass shower stalls interiorglass shower stalls interior

small shower stallssmall shower stalls

Minimalist Design Beautify House

home interior
Minimalist Design Beautify House

Minimalist houses were very interested in the very practical people today. How to choose furniture and accessories are right for your minimalist home? Maintaining a practical and functional elements of the basic key in minimalist house dressing.

Minimalist home designs: Home Interior

The selection of appropriate materials can thicken to a minimalist concept presented. Eg glass furniture combined with aluminum or wrought iron furniture including the widely used. In addition to a simple form, any maintenance relatively easy to do.

Curtains were able to support the impression you want to display in the room. With a novel type of blind, for example, which are lightweight and able to give the impression that the dynamic in the room is minimalist.

Minimalist Interior Decorating: Home Decor

Design with strict precision also characterizes the architecture and minimalist furniture. Therefore, select a table or chair that has a simple design, little, or no ornament. With these minimal ornament, can simplify maintenance and more spacious room that terksesan suitable when applied to a small minimalist home.

Minimalist also be combined with the material or furniture of color - the color of dark brown wood such as red or brown.

The selection of colors and patterns have to be carefully shown, in which the pattern of flowers or colors that are too crowded less suitable when combined in a minimalist home. Keep the color tone each time to add or change the accessories and furniture in one room.

Tata all accessories and furniture carefully, but keep your room too full of memorable not because it can confirm the impression that want to create a minimalist. For example setting the image frame using a larger frame, but in small amounts to provide accents in the room.